•      Susy first became interested in survival swimming in 2008, soon after her first child was born.  With a pool in her backyard, her greatest concern soon became keeping her crawling child as far away from the water as possible.  Susy soon enrolled her daughter at 9 months young for survival swimming lessons, and Most gratefully so!   The next winter that approached, at a backyard Christmas party, Susy walked into the home of the party for a mere 3 minutes or less, and in that time, Abbey took a quick fall into the pool on the evening of Christmas Eve, adorned in her glorious Christmas dress, and came out of the pool after having self-rescued herself, drenched and crying!   No one heard the fall until After the fact, as music was loudly playing and conversations were being had.   From this moment on, Susy experienced firsthand the INCREDIBLE results and worth of these lessons and vowed to herself she would one day soon instruct as many children as possible on how to be safe in and around the water!

         Susy was trained by Aquachild, one of the leading swim schools in the state of Florida, per utilizing this specific technique.  Susy has undergone 200 hours of vigourous and intensive hands on training to enable her to teach survival lessons. As well, Susy holds current certification through the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Program as a certified Water Safety Instructor.

         If she is not in the water teaching, Susy spends much of her time singing and dancing with her 2 young ones, both of whom are incredible little swimmers thanks to all the lessons in survival and refresher classes they have undergone!  You may even hear Susy singing a few bars of her favorite kids songs to your children as music is a lifelong love and passion for this swim instructor!

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